Requests for Agenda Packets.pdfNotice of Hearing January 11, 2024.pdfNotice of Hearing February 1, 2024.pdfNotice of Hearing March 7, 2024.pdfNotice of Hearing April 4, 2024.pdfNotice Public Hearing FY24-25 Budget.pdfNotice of Hearing May 2, 2024.pdfNotice of Hearing August 1, 2024.pdfNotice of Hearing September 5, 2024.pdfNotice of Hearing October 10, 2024.pdfNotice of Hearing November 7, 2024.pdfNotice_of_Vacancy_November_14_2024.pdfNotice of Hearing December 12, 2024.pdf
Notice of Hearing January 12, 2023Notice of Hearing February 2, 2023Notice of Hearing March 2, 2023.pdfNotice Public Hearing_MSR Water-Sewer.pdfNotice Public Hearing FY23-24 Budget.pdfNotice of Hearing April 6, 2023Notice of Hearing May 4, 2023Notice of Hearing August 3, 2023Notice of Hearing October 5, 2023.pdfNotice of Hearing November 2, 2023Notice Public Hearing - MSR Transportation.pdfNotice of Special Meeting November 14, 2023.pdfLAFCO Supplemental Notice of Meeting Continuance-December 14th.pdfNotice of Hearing December 14, 2023.pdfRequests for Agenda Packets.pdf
Notice of Hearing December 8, 2022Notice SOI - 22-07 Bailey Ave.pdfNotice of Meeting Cancellation- November 3, 2022.pdfNotice of Hearing October 6, 2022.pdfNotice of Hearing September 1, 2022.pdfNotice SOI & Anx - 22-04 Toro Cyn.pdfNotice of Hearing August 11, 2022.pdfNotice SOI & Anx - 22-03 Almaguer.pdfNotice of Cancellation July 7, 2022.pdfNotice of Hearing June 2, 2022.pdfNotice of Hearing May 5, 2022.pdfNotice of Hearing April 7, 2022.pdfNotice of Hearing April 7, 2022 and May 5, 2022.pdfNotice of Cancellation Mar 3 2022.pdfNotice of Hearing February 3, 2022.pdfNotice of Hearing January 6, 2022.pdfNotice SOI & Anx - 21-06 Santa Claus Restroom.pdf
Notice of Hearing December 9, 2021.pdfNotice SOI & Anx - 21-05 Hagerman December 9, 2021.pdfNotice of Vacancy November 8, 2021.pdfNotice of Hearing November 4, 2021.pdfNotice SOI & Anx - 21-02 Beach Club.pdfNotice of Public Hearing.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing October 7, 2021.pdfNotice of Hearing September 2, 2021.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing August 12, 2021.pdfNotice of Cancellation July 1, 2021.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing June 3, 2021.pdfNotice SOI & Anx - 19-02 Oak Hills Estates.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing May 6, 2021.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing April 1, 2021.pdfNotice of Public Hearing FY21-22 Budget.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing March 4, 2021.pdfNotice SOI & Anx - 19-03 La Cumbre March 4, 2021.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing February 4, 2021.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing January 14, 2021.pdf
Notice of Cancellation December 10, 2020.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing November 5, 2020.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing October 1, 2020.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing September 3, 2020.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing August 6, 2020.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing June 4, 2020.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing May 14, 2020.pdfNotice of Cancellation April 2, 2020.pdfNotice of Cancellation March 5, 2020.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing February 6, 2020.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing January 9, 2020.pdf
Notice & Agenda of Hearing December 12, 2019.pdfNotice of Cancellation November 7, 2019.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing October 3, 2019.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing September 5, 2019.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing July 11, 2019.pdfNotice of Cancellation June 6, 2019.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing May 2, 2019.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing April 4, 2019.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing February 7, 2019.pdf
Notice of Hearing December 6, 2018.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing October 11, 2018.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing September 6, 2018.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing August 2, 2018.pdfNotice of Cancellation July 12, 2018.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing June 7, 2018.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing May 3, 2018.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing April 5, 2018.pdfNotice of Special Meeting March 26, 2018.pdfNotice of Cancellation March 1, 2018.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing March 1, 2018.pdfNotice of Cancellation February 1, 2018.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing January 4, 2018.pdf
Notice of Cancellation December 7, 2017.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing November 2, 2017.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing October 5, 2017.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing September 7, 2017.pdfNotice & Agenda of Hearing August 3, 2017.pdfNotice of Hearing May 4, 2017.pdfNotice of Hearing April 13, 2017.pdfNotice of Meeting 4-13-17 LOCSD Santa Barbara.pdfAgenda 3-13-17 SBLAFCO Leg Committee- Santa Barbara.pdfNotice of Hearing March 2, 2017.pdfNotice of Hearing February 2, 2017.pdfNotice of Hearing January 5, 2017.pdf
Notice of Hearing December 8, 2016.pdfNotice of Cancellation November 3, 2016.pdfNotice of Hearing October 6, 2016 - Notice with Agenda.pdfNotice of Hearing September 1, 2016.pdfNotice of Hearing August 5, 2016 - Formation of the Cuyama Basin Water District.pdfNotice of Hearing July 7, 2016.pdfNotice of Protest Hearing - West Santa Ynez Annexation - June 30, 2016.pdfNotice of Hearing May 5, 2016 - Notice with Agenda.pdfNotice of Hearing May 5, 2016 - Santa Ynez Community Services District-West Santa Ynez Annexation.pdfNotice of Hearing May 5, 2016 - Final 2016-17 Budget.pdfNotice of Hearing April 7, 2016.pdfNotice of Hearing April 7, 2016 - Formation of the IV CSD.pdfNotice of Hearing March 3, 2016.pdfNotice of Hearing February 4, 2016 - City of Carpinteria Sphere of Influence.pdfNotice of Hearing February 4, 2016.pdfNotice of Hearing January 7, 2016.pdfNotice of Protest Hearing - Dissolution of Santa Rita Hills CSD - January 14, 2016.pdf
Notice of Hearing December 10, 2015 - Summit View Homes.pdfNotice of Hearing December 10, 2015 - Laguna County Sanitation District.pdfNotice of Hearing November 5, 2015.pdfNotice of Cancellation October 1, 2015.pdfNotice of Hearing September 10, 2015.pdfNotice of Hearing June 4, 2015.pdfNotice of Hearing June 4, 2015 - Pending Vacancy - Alternate Public Member.pdfNotice of Hearing May 7, 2015.pdfNotice of Hearing April 2, 2015.pdfNotice of Hearing April 2, 2015 - Blickley Annexation.pdfNotice of Hearing April 2, 2015 - 2015-16 Proposed Budget.pdfNotice of Hearing March 5, 2015.2.pdfNotice of Hearing March 5, 2015.pdfNotice of Hearing February 19, 2015 - Special Meeting.pdfNotice of Hearing February 5, 2015.pdfNotice of Vacancy February 5, 2015.pdf
Notice of Hearing December 4, 2014.pdfNotice of Hearing November 6, 2014.2.pdfNotice of Hearing November 6, 2014.pdfNotice of Hearing October 2, 2014.pdfAddendum Item for October 2, 2014 Meeting.pdfNotice of Hearing September 4, 2014.2.pdfNotice of Hearing September 4, 2014.pdfNotice of Hearing August 7, 2014.pdfNotice of Cancellation July 3, 2014.pdfSecond Transmittal of the 2014-15 Santa Barbara LAFCO Proposed Budget.pdfNotice of Hearing June 5, 2014.pdfNotice of Hearing May 1, 2014.pdfNotice of Hearing April 3, 2014.pdfNotice of Hearing March 6, 2014.pdfNotice of Hearing February 6, 2014.pdfNotice of Special Meeting January 9, 2014.pdfNotice of Hearing January 9, 2014.pdf
Notice of Cancellation December 5, 2013.pdfNotice of Hearing November 7, 2013.pdfNotice of Hearing October 3, 2013.pdfNotice of Hearing September 5, 2013.pdfNotice of Cancellation July 4 and August 1, 2013.pdfNotice of Hearing June 6, 2013.pdfNotice of Cancellation May 2nd, 2013.pdfNotice of Hearing April 4, 2013.pdfAddendum Item for March 7 Meeting.pdfNotice of Hearing March 7, 2013.pdfNotice of Hearing February 7, 2013.pdfNotice of Public Member Vacancy.pdfNotice of Hearing January 3, 2013.pdf
Notice of Hearing December 6, 2012.pdfNotice of Hearing November 1, 2012.pdfNotice of Hearing September 6, 2012.pdfNotice of Cancellation August 2, 2012.pdfNotice of Hearing July 5, 2012.pdfNotice of Hearing June 7, 2012.pdfNotice of Hearing May 3, 2012.pdfNotice of Hearing April 5, 2012.pdfNotice of Hearing March 1, 2012.pdfAddendum to the Agenda February 2, 2012.pdfNotice of Hearing February 2, 2012.pdf
Notice of Cancellation December 1, 2011 and January 5, 2012.pdfNotice of Hearing November 3, 2011.pdfNotice of Cancellation October 6, 2011.pdfNotice of Cancellation September 1, 2011.pdfNotice of Hearing August 4, 2011.pdfNotice of Hearing July 7, 2011.pdfNotice of Hearing June 2, 2011.pdfNotice of Hearing May 5, 2011.pdfNotice of Hearing April 7, 2011.pdfNotice of Hearing March 3, 2011.pdfSupplemental Notice of Hearing March 3, 2011.pdfNotice of Hearing February 3, 2011.pdf
Notice of Cancellation December 2, 2010 and January 6, 2011.pdfNotice of Hearing December 2, 2010.pdfNotice of Hearing November 4, 2010.pdfNotice of Special Meeting October 14, 2010.pdfNotice of Cancellation August 5, 2010.pdfNotice of Hearing July 1, 2010.pdfAddendum Notice for July 1, 2010 Meeting.pdfNotice of Hearing June 3, 2010.pdfAddendum Notice 2 for June 3 2010 Meeting.pdfAddendum Notice for June 3 2010 Meeting.pdfNotice of Hearing May 6, 2010.pdfNotice of Special Meeting April 1, 2010.pdfNotice of Cancellation March 4, 2010.pdfNotice of Hearing February 4, 2010.pdfNotice of Hearing January 7, 2010.pdf
Notice of Cancellation December 3, 2009.pdfNotice of Hearing November 5, 2009.pdfNotice of Hearing October 1, 2009.pdfNotice of Hearing September 3, 2009 (in Santa Barbara).docNotice of Cancellation August 6, 2009.pdfNotice of Hearing July 2, 2009.pdfNotice of Hearing June 4, 2009.pdfNotice of Cancellation May 7, 2009.pdfNotice Addendum 4-2-09 Santa Maria.docNotice of Hearing April 2, 2009.pdfNotice of Hearing March 5, 2009.pdfNotice of Hearing February 5, 2009 (amended).pdf
Notice of Cancellations December 4, 2008 and January 1, 2009.pdfNotice of Hearing November 6, 2008.pdfNotice of Protest Hearing – LAFCO 03-13.pdfNotice of Protest Hearing – LAFCO 08-6.pdfNotice of Hearing October 2, 2008.pdfNotice of Special Meeting August 7, 2008.pdfNotice of Hearing June 5, 2008.pdfNotice of Hearing May 1, 2008.pdfNotice of Hearing March 6, 2008.pdfNotice of Special Meeting February 21, 2008.pdfNotice of Cancellations April 3 and November 4, 2008.pdfNotice of Hearing February 7, 2008.pdfAddendum to Agenda for February 7, 2008 Meeting.pdfNotice of Protest Hearing – LAFCO 07-13.pdfNotice of Cancellation January 1, 2008.pdf
Notice of Hearing Decmber 6, 2007.pdfNotice of Special Meeting December 6, 2007.pdf
- 07-11 Quail Run protest hearing)
- (07-5 South Coast to Carp San protest hearing)
Notice of Hearing December 1, 2005.pdfNotice of Hearing November 3, 2005.pdfNotice of Hearing September 1, 2005.pdfNotice of Cancellation July 7, 2005.pdfNotice of Hearing June 2, 2005.pdfAdditional Agenda Item - 6-2-05 Meeting.pdfNotice of Hearing May 5, 2005.pdfNotice of Hearing March 3, 2005.pdfNotice of Cancellation January 5, 2006.pdfNotice of Special Hearing January 16, 2005 - Cancellation January 6, 2005.pdf
Notice of Hearing December 2, 2004.pdfNotice of Hearing November 4, 2004.pdfNotice of Hearing October 7, 2004.pdfNotice of Cancellation September 2, 2004.pdfNotice of Hearing August 5, 2004.pdfNotice of Cancellation July 3, 2004.pdfNotice of Hearing July 1, 2004.pdfNotice of Hearing May 6, 2004.pdfNotice of Cancellation April 1, 2004.pdfNotice of Hearing March 4, 2004.pdfNotice of Hearing February 5, 2004.pdfNotice of Cancellation January 1, 2004.pdf