Notice to interested person that may request email notice from LAFCO with links to the Commission’s Agenda and packet for each regular Commission meeting. Please see link below regarding requesting a mailed hardcopy of the agenda and agenda packet.
Requests for Agenda Packets Notice.pdf
Santa Barbara County Local Agency Formation Commission (SBLAFCO) will be embarking on our next Municipal Service Review (MSR) process. MSRs are comprehensive studies of municipal services (e.g., water, sewer, police, fire, library etc.) in Santa Barbara County. SBLAFCO invites residents to participate in the important survey. The deadline for responses to the survey is October 11, 2025.
This survey will give the residents of Santa Barbara County the opportunity to note key areas of interest regarding Healthcare, Mosquito Vector Control, Cemetery, Housing Mediation, Broadband, School and Solid Waste Services that are provided to residents. Your feedback will be an integral component in assisting with data compilation. The electronic survey can be accessed below
If you would like to learn more about the SBLAFCO MSR process and previous MSR reports, you can contact SBLAFCO staff at (805) 568-3391.